Monday, June 9, 2008

Tuna Talk

Hey Hey,
Wow….another amazing week it sounds like. I’m so glad to hear that the ordination went well yesterday.

Well, this week has been a pretty normal week for us. We have had some pretty fun appointments this week. Oh, when I say “we” I mean Elder Porritt and myself. He is still here and hasn’t gotten his visa yet. We’re think this week might be the week, but we just never know. Anyway, last Wednesday we went and had lunch with a lady by the name of Stickney, we had met with her Sunday and she wanted us to come back so that she could feed us. She has been a less-active member. So we went back and she made us tuna melts….something I really have fallen in love with lately, I think. Anyway we sat and ate while she talked only allowing for minimal comments from my companion or me. So we just kept eating and eating, thinking somewhere down the line she would need to take a deep breath, and thankfully she did: it gave me a minute or so to tell her she needs to come to church….and then she went off on that for another good while….then we just sat and listened and boy, that was a long lunch visit! But we made it out alive and remarkably in under an hour I believe. So that was the lunch I never thought would end…..I caught I glimpse of what the missionaries might think when they go and visit with Mom.

Also we have still been meeting with Kim. It sounds like we will have to wait until September for her to get baptized. Her mom isn’t too keen on her doing it anytime soon and won't sign the paper, so that makes us have to wait. But all things are done in God’s wisdom. We have still been meeting with her, mostly watching movies to help give her visuals of all the things we have taught her. We watched The Testaments on Saturday and if you guys haven’t seen it, I recommend getting and watching it….it really puts a visual to what Book of Mormon life was like. Anyway, she loved it and we will keep meeting with her until she gets baptized, so that means we will need to start getting creative with the things we teach her now. But I guess that will stretch all of us.

Also, yesterday I was asked to speak in sacrament meeting. Well, I was asked on Thursday and actually spoke yesterday. It was on the scripture Doctrine and Covenants: section 59, verse 23, talking about peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come. Well, I talked about Dad's baptism and how he now has peace in this life and now will be with his family for eternity. So I think the talk went well. I got lots of compliments as most speakers do, so I can’t judge off that, but I think it went well.

This weekend is transfer calls and so I have no idea what will happen. I have been here for almost four and half months. I could be getting the boot or staying for a little while longer. We just never know. Well I love you all and have a great week.

Elder Geoff Taylor

1 comment:

Av8ursgirl said...

Elder Taylor, it would be 'oh' so nice to get in touch with you whilst we are here in beautiful Lost Wages, Nevada. However, we have no contact info for you other than this blog. We shall be leaving on Wed. the 11th of June, early in the morning. If you shall see this before then, please give us a call at 503-310-2193. Perhaps we could take you out for a tuna sandwich somewhere.

Mike and Gail Clary