Monday, December 17, 2007's cold....really cold....but this week was good anyways.....

Happy Holidays,

Well I hope that this past week has gone by as fast for all of you as it has for me. We had last P-day and that was fun….We had dinner with the Simpson’s and you got the picture from that…..Sister Simpson does that because she hasn’t gotten pictures from her son who is on a mission yet…he has only been out like 2 months….but I don’t mind and I know you guys don’t either. (No, we don't mind at all!)
Then Tuesday we had District meeting and other stuff to do. Then Wednesday was the big day….we had interviews with President Andrus. He has changed the way he does them now….he used to do interviews the day of Zone Conference but that was too crazy…now he does them on their own day so he can spend more time with each missionary and talk about stuff….so, it was a nice interview. Most of them have been like 2 or 3 minutes….this time it was like ten or fifteen….it was really cool. Then later that night we had what we call “The Christmas Blessing”….which translated to normal English means: dinner, talent show and MOVIE… is extra big because we got to watch Elf which turns out to be one of President's favorite Christmas movies….so that was pleasant surprise! We had a great dinner and we had a funny talent show….the highlight was Elder Dixon dancing around in a Banana Suit…dancing to the song "Peanut Butter Jelly Time." For those of you who love The Family Guy know why that is very funny….for others: Google the name of the song and you will see why he was in a Banana Suit. Overall it was a really good time….especially watching Elf, more so a real movie….

Then Thursday rolled around and that was actually kind of a nice because it was a nice easy day…..then came Friday and that meant Zone conference and that was a story unto itself. So we had to get there at 8:30 in the morning which was just fine…..except last week it didn’t hit 30 degrees outside until about 2 in the afternoon… we were standing outside inspecting our cars at 8:30 a.m. and it was about 18 degrees or so outside. Let's just say that is too cold to be outside doing anything….but that wasn’t the half of it! Then inside I learn the training that I was supposed to do was actually a workshop and that I was to do it and also Elder Fechser was to be apart of it as well. What I was originally told it was to be a ten minute training in the Zone conference. The workshop is when everyone brakes into groups and is trained by zone leaders. This time they added one district leader from each zone as well….so Elder Fechser and I pulled a something together in the 15 minutes we had to plan and went to it! Let's just say that after the third group we had a good plan set forth and it went well…that was good because President Andrus walked in the with the very next group….so we did a good training with him in the room…..I was still a little nervous though…but it went well and he said we did a really good job.

Well it sounds like everyone had a great and festive week…and I hope that all of you have a good rest of the week…know that I love you and can't wait until next week. Know I love you and I hope that you all keep the true meaning of Christmas in mind this year….The best gift anyone could ever receive…A Savior. I am so grateful to have this gift in my life…I gain even more love for Him every day as I go and serve Him and bring people into His true and everlasting gospel…it is one of the many other gifts that I enjoy because of a Father in Heaven who loves me and because of my loving Savior, Jesus Christ. Again know that I love all of you very much….have a great holiday season.

Elder Taylor

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