Monday, October 1, 2007

Well so what happened.....

Well Hey There,
This week has been an interesting one. We had it ended kind slow: our car was low on miles and we really don’t want to go over because then we have to park our car and that isn’t fun at all. Plus it makes it hard to get work done when you cover a huge area, but we ended up getting exactly 1000 miles, and that’s the number of miles that we are given by the mission! So that was pretty crazy. Then in less fun news, we were playing a little basketball at one the of the churches up here and I was playing in church shoes and...well you can all see how this is going to end...I rolled my ankle and it really hurt. Have no fear, I am walking around almost normal now. It is still a little tender and also, don’t worry - I wont be playing basketball soon. But again, for my mom, I’m doing okay and don’t worry...the members are taking care of me very well.

We had a pretty slow week, like I said, so not to much to report on this week. But I forgot about something, we did a mini mission with some priests in the Sparks stake, last Saturday. It was fun to be out with some people who have no idea what you are talking about. It was a good morning, they had some good experiences and some not so good. One kid was told while tracting, that he was being trained to kill people. As many of you know, that’s not true. It was just a very funny day. Well, we then sent them with some other missionaries because we had to do some boring district leader stuff, so they didn’t want to do that.

Well we are getting down to the end of the transfer and so that means two things…..First: Temple day on Wednesday. I’m so happy about that….always a good time to reflect on the transfer and and look ahead to next……..then we have Saturday which is transfer calls, that’s the part that I’m scared about…I have really come to love this area a lot and really want to stay here more but I have this feeling that I may be have to make a move a little farther South….but such is life and we must all move on and look to positive things that we can do to help other people be better and better ourselves at the same time. Speaking of helping people, we helped an investigator move on Saturday. She is one of the biggest pack rats I have ever seen in person. I know that my mother is one, but this lady had so much old stuff if was crazy. It worked out okay, we have to go back and help her again tomorrow and I hope that soon this whole thing will be over soon. It is just unreal how some people live these days.

Well know that I love all of you and hope that you keep the faith and have a great week. Again I love you. I feel your prayers every day and know that I love the support.

Elder Taylor

The Book is Blue, The Church is True, and I love you!

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