Monday, July 16, 2007

Letter on July 16, 2007

Subject: this week in local news

Hey Everyone,

Well, for those of you that were worried about transfers, I’ll be here another 6 weeks. Elder Sanderson, my companion, is being transferred to Las Vegas. I don’t feel to bad for him though. He will have a car and a cell phone - I know, crazy missionaries with cell phones???? He has been a great companion to have, we have had a lot of fun and we worked even harder. I will say that I’m glad to still be in the area. We have a lot of really cool people that we are teaching right now. These wards are really starting to pick up the idea of missionary work, it is so cool. My new companion's name is Elder Dixon. I don’t know too much about him, but don’t worry I will have the full scoop for you all next week.

As for other news this week, not that much really. We went to the temple this week, which is always really fun. We have the Temple president in one of our wards so he knew us and talked to us, which made me feel special. Also, the secretary to the president is in another of our wards and she had us do some names for her while we were there. We also did splits twice this week which made this week go by really fast. And with this being a transfer call week it always seems to go by fast. Well, heck, the whole thing seems to go by fast! I’ll be out 5 months by the end of this week and my birthday is coming right up too. This week really was kind of slow for us. We have a very busy week this week and with transfers on top of that, oh man.

This week made me reflect on a lot of really interesting things. One of which was the temple. Let me tell you how grateful I am to be able to see the temple everyday. It really makes my day when we drive right past it. It lifts your spirits to keep on knocking or talking to people, because you know the blessings that come from the gospel and the temple. I’m so grateful to have the chance to go the temple every six weeks; it just doesn’t seem like enough though. I wish that I could go more but there is a more important work for me to do. Speaking of the work, it truly is a pleasure to be a missionary. The Spirit that we feel everyday is like none other. I have never felt so guided and in tune in my whole life. When you are guided by the Spirit you know that you will be doing the right thing always and that you will be making a difference in someone’s life. Also in my life, we are guided everyday to talk to people or to say something in a lesson that not only helps the people we teach, but it helps me to understand the gospel even more. Last evening we were visiting some members and we were talking with the father of the family and he gave us some very inspired words, mostly for Elder Sanderson, but I also felt that some of the things he said apply to all of us and just me as well. Like in Dad’s email when he talked about prayer, it truly is a conversation with our Heavenly Father, and if we treat is as such then the vain and repetitiousness of the prayers will leave and we will feel the spirit guide us. Also as we teach people we tell them that you can ask direct questions and you will get direct answers to those questions. It my not be what you WANT to hear, but it truly is what you NEED to hear. I know that if we continue to live worthy lives that the spirit can guide and direct us all that, we can know all things that our Heavenly Father wants us to do. I love you all and hope that you weekend at the beach is fun, you lucky people. I love you very much.

Elder Taylor

Picture of the Reno Nevada Temple courtesy of

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