Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Why people fly to Reno...

Hello Everyone,

Oh man, I have to say it is a lot nicer up here in Carson City than in Las Vegas. It actually cools down at night and that makes it more fun to be out there. At transfers, when we met up in Reno, and I got out of the car and it was 80 degrees…..I was cold! I wanted a coat or a sweater or something to help keep me warm. That is almost a 30 degree change in weather, folks….that isn’t supposed to happen to your body that fast! I think I will adjust just fine to the nicer weather. The highs are about 95 or so during the day and at night you can sit outside and not sweat your “you know what" off. Well I have arrived safely and I must say Tuesday was a long day. We (and by we I mean ME) drove to Reno on Tuesday morning starting at about 10:30 in the morning. Well, I think I have to start a new paragraph…..just to show how frustrated I was that day.

So, like I said…I got to drive to Reno and that’s not that bad. Well it IS that bad. This transfer they were trying to move some older cars down from up north and take some newer ones up there, so we had 6 cars and a Van. This meant no normal transfer bus…sadly. So this other missionary…Elder Tonga...and I drove one of the cars. Like I said, I drove the whole way. It was a long boring trip…..there is nothing to look at….unless you like the sand and dirt and some small dirt formations. Oh, and Area 51, cant forget that! And no, you can't see it from the road….but you know it is out there. Well anyway we drove all day….really...all day. We stopped in Tonopah for lunch and gas and then in Fallon to drop off people there. We were off again to Reno to meet everyone else and we got there at 7:30 p.m. and I didn’t get to Carson City until almost 9:30 that night….it was such a long day. There was so much confusion as to what was happening with all the cars that came up that I almost didn’t get a car….and that would have followed with me punching someone in the face (really I was that tired and I wanted to sleep). Anyway, I got a car and drove to my new place in Carson City.

Holy bajolie, Carson City is smaller then I remember for sure. There seems to be no one here! Okay, some people but not like there was in Las Vegas….there are people everywhere you turn. Anyway my new apartment is amazing. It is a duplex….a two level duplex….I will have to do an apartment tour on my card. It is really nice….almost like a town house or condo or something. We live with our Zone leaders and so that makes it cool. Kind of funny, too, because when our district leader calls us for stats every night he talks to us then we just pass the phone over to them. Weird but that’s the way we do it here. The guys in the apartment are pretty cool and funny. I do miss living with the span-ams…which means no more Spanish lessons. Though one of our wards has a Spanish group in it and so now I can put my skills to the test!

Speaking of wards: I cover the Carson River and Hot Springs wards. They just name the wards after streets here, it’s really funny. They are really nice…not too small….just the right size. We have a family named the Waltz’s, they remind me of Connie and Don, the nicest people ever. They have us over all the time and let us come over Sunday and hang with them. They feed us whenever we don’t have a dinner and take care of us a lot. They also remind me of Mom and Dad, too…so that is really nice. My companion, Elder Wright is a nice guy, and he and I get along well and have a good time together. We have gone around teaching the members in the ward since I got here. We teach them the Plan of Salvation and then commit them to share that wonderful plan with someone they know. Since everyone hopefully has friends, then it makes it a lot easier to get them to talk to their friends about this great plan we know. It was cool to hear that you guys got to learn more about the Mormon.org stuff. I mean I have known about it for a while….you remember we did test that program and stuff. So it is cool to see that because we are so amazing that now everyone else gets to use it! It really does work well….so use it to your advantage.

The other night there was an Elder Quorum party and we went. We had a great time….played Croquet, and I won two games! I think it was from all those times at Grandma’s house that I got so good. Anyway, I have gotten to know the members here faster then in any other area that I have been in. So it really makes things here a lot more fun too.

Well I must say that I was really sad to leave my last area. Having been there six months and getting know a lot of people and making lots of friends and stuff….it really has made it easier to transition to here. Well, have a great week and I hope that all gets going well for you. Have a great week out at the Beach! Don’t miss me too much, and next year I will be able to be there and I wouldn’t miss it for anything. Well my time is up, have a great week.

Elder Geoff Taylor

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