Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Did you miss me????

So first off, sorry that it took so long to get this to you. We had P-day today, Wednesday, because we got to go to the temple this morning. So as you know, they moved P-day so we could go to the temple - since it's closed on Mondays. Don’t worry though, next week we are back to normal Mondays, so don’t forget to write!

Well, holy cow, so much seems to have happened in the last 10 days or so, where do I start?! Last Wednesday, which doesn’t feel like a week ago, was zone conference. It was a really good one. We have been talking a lot about the Book of Mormon lately and it has really been a lot of fun. The zone leader trainings were really funny. They were all about how we as missionaries need to use the Book of Mormon more in our teaching and how it is another witness of Jesus Christ. Zone conferences are always good, but I must say that this has been one of the best that I have ever been to. I've only been to like 10 or 12 but still - this was really good. Later that night we went to mutual activity and taught a lesson to the Young Women in the ward. It was a lot of fun. We taught the recent convert lessons and it went really well. Then we let them ask us questions about our missions and stuff….it was a lot of fun. Plus the lesson went really well. Then last Friday we did some service for Sister Wyatt. We cut her grass and did some other odds and ends for her. It is always fun to do service in the heat….mostly because we can wear shorts and a t-shirt and it makes it less hot….I mean not much less….but better then "a shirt and tie" hot.

The best part of last week was the weekend. The Nunez kids were baptized last Saturday and confirmed in church on Sunday!! The baptism service went really well. There were a lot of people there. The whole time though all I could really think about was how many people were at Dad’s baptism. There were about 50 to 60 at this one. Still it was a great service. Elder Crump and I were asked to be the witnesses so that was really nice. Now we get to start teaching them all over again for the new member lessons. So that should be really fun. But like I said the service was a lot of fun and really good and Spirit was there the whole time.

As for things going on this week, We found out Sunday night that we would be getting a new car….problem is…it is up North right now….and we are in Vegas…..and they had to take our car to the switch it out. So right now we don’t have a car….so that really makes things a lot more fun….but we should get one either today or tomorrow morning I think….not to sure. I hope that it is really soon though because it is going to start getting really hot again around here. The weather this week has actually been really good, only about 100 degrees this week, so that really nice.

Well I guess in closing I would like to go back to something I talked about at the beginning, the Book of Mormon. I have made it a personal goal to finish the whole thing by the end of this month. Then I will be trying to read it in a month….the whole month of August to be exact. Right now am about half way through wish me luck with that. What I wanted to talk about was the change I have felt as I have been reading more. The Spirit really has been stronger in my life this last week. It has really been refreshing to read from such an inspired book. We really are a lucky people to have such a wonderful book at our fingertips, and it is really sad to me that not enough people use it in their lives. But that’s something that will always go on. I would love it if those who read this would start to read the Book of Mormon more in their families or in their personal studies. If you are already doing it, great, if not….get on it ok??? Know that I love you all so much and that I think about all of you all the time. Have a great week…type to you Monday!

Elder Geoff Taylor

Images via here and here

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