Monday, May 12, 2008

Picking up the Pieces the day after...

Dear Family,
I hope that you are all doing well…even though I know that you are, seeing as how I talked with you about…oh, 24 hours ago. I really did enjoy getting to talk and hear all about the goings on in the Taylor family world. Chanel I’m so glad that you are loving work and that you are learning and growing with the kids as well - it is really great. Those kids need you probably as much as you enjoy them. Mom, I’m sorry to hear that it seems like the house is falling apart around you…at least the frame is still standing right? Dad, well I pretty much told you everything yesterday….but thank you so much for all the advice you game me in your email - it was great. I hope that this next week goes well for you all and that nothing else to major falls in to your path.

Well - I did tell you the majority of news and info that I had yesterday…but in case you all forgot or…Dad, if you just forgot….things here are going well. This last week we had transfers, and I must say that I love my new district leader…his name is Elder Barragan. He is from Utah, but we don’t hold it against him t0o often. But really, he is really funny and a great missionary, a great addition to our apartment, I must add. This past week was also filled with a number of teaching appointments which was great. We started teaching a new young lady, her name is Kim, (her boyfriend is a member) and she started coming to church and said she loves the feelings that she has while there. This is always something that is good to hear. She has really enjoyed the lessons so far, so we hope that she gets baptized soon. Her mom is getting in the way of that right now so we are praying and hoping for that to be able to happen soon. Also we have been teaching a lady who lives with her brother’s family and she has been allowing us to come over lately and talk to her and she even came to church yesterday, too. That was so cool to have her there. Her Brother is a recent convert to the church as well and that makes the situation even better. Her name is Coral, by the way. She is way cool, too and nice. She always makes us food and stuff when we go by….and the food is always really good!

Well I don’t really have to much to update you all on. I hope that you all have a great week and that you all have a fun and enjoyable time at the baptism on Saturday. Remember, please take a ton of pictures and send them as soon as you can. I love you all so much and hope that you all have great week and keep the Lord by your side and all things will then be done in wisdom. Again, I love you all. I was so glad to hear your voices and stories and all the great things going on in your lives. Only one more call home and that will be all she wrote. Well, have a great one!

Elder Taylor

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