Monday, April 7, 2008

General Conference Hangover??....Can I Say That

Well, Hey Everybody,

I hope that you all have had a great week and that you all got a chance to enjoy General Conference…..I know that I did! It was so cool to be apart of the history and stuff……I just kept thinking that in like 20 years from now people will talk about this conference and I will be able to say, "I remember where I was…I was in Las Vegas Nevada." Well I must say that I was a little unsure about President Uchtdorf before conference….I mean he is an apostle and stuff….but I was not to sure about the guy….but let me tell you what people: he is the real deal and also….that President Monson! Let's hope he is around for a long time. He did such a great job in his talks this conference. Not that any of his other talks were bad….but now that he is the prophet….well, he did a great job. And the fact that he wiggled his ears in the Priesthood Session it was amazing!! Side note: the screen we were watching it on was like 25 feet tall…it was huge….and when he did that it was so funny…..his ears were as big as me when they were on that screen…it was so funny!! Well anyway….I really loved Conference and can’t wait for the May Ensign to come out…its going to be so cool. Oh, and just for all you kids (and adults) out there….it is Cool to read the Ensign and the New Era, okay, so get of my back!

Anyway….as for missionary work….we have been getting ready for our baptisms this Saturday and doing all that goes into that….the teaching, and interviews….getting the programs ready. It really is a lot of work to get someone ready for baptism and then you have to teach them how it all works and then when they get really scared the day before you have to calm them down…so that’s always fun. But one thing that we did this week was we got together as a district and had a mini-district meeting and studies and stuff and then went tracting out in an area together. It was really fun…plus we all got to know each other a little better!

I feel kinda bad there isn’t a whole lot more to report on this week. Just the standard stuff I guess. But know I love you all so much. Like I said earlier in the letter, I was so glad for General Conference….We got a chance to here our beloved new prophet speak and let me tell you all what: I'm so glad to go around and tell people that we have a prophet on the Earth today and his name is Thomas S. Monson. I know that he really is the prophet of God on the Earth today and that he has been called to lead our church to new and better heights never thought of before. It will be fun to see where the church goes in the next few years…..the only way I see it is UP! I love you all so much.

Elder Taylor

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