This week has been pretty cool…..not a ton of crazy new stuff…and no one got sick this week either so that made things a whole lot better. Well, I bet you're all wondering about transfers and such: I will be staying and my companion, Elder Russell is leaving for Sparks. I will be getting a new companion and his name is……actually it rhymes with my name which is pretty cool…oh wait…turns out it is my name….it's Elder Taylor!! The only other Elder Taylor in our mission and I get put with him….it is really going to be pretty funny. Anytime someone says Elder Taylor they will get us both!
Other then transfers we have been up to the normal stuff pretty much…it was hard here though because it has been spring break this past week so…lots of appointments have been missed so I hope that it all works out this week….we have a lot going this week so I hope it all goes smooth with that also. One of things that I have done this past week to break up the same ol’ same ol’ of missionary work: last night…another missionary I live with and I took all of our blankets and made huge fort/tent thing in our living room. It was so amazing and we slept in it and everything. Man good times.
Well I know that Chanel is dying for this so here it goes…
What did you have for dinner last night and where did you have it?
We had some kind of Alaskan fish with one of our Bishops…it was really good.
What was the funniest thing that happened this week?
Um I don’t know….maybe the fort???
What tie do you wear most often?
I try and rotate it is hard though…I have a mint green on I got with Wyatt and Hale. I like to wear that the most
What's the one thing that has surprised you the most about Las Vegas?
Um…how dirty it really is here.
Which former companion do you still have the most contact with?
Dixon…or Sanderson
Who's talk are you most excited to hear in Conference in a few weeks?
Well….I really like President Monson…but who doesn’t…would say next would be Elder Holland
Where will you watch General Conference in a few weeks?
At one of the stake buildings down here
Today's p-day will include:
Hanging out with our zone and eating Pizza.
Now that you've been out a year, what is your advice about being a new missionary?
Be nice to your trainer and love the people you serve….
Can you believe you've been a missionary for almost 13 months?
No I can't..
How many ties do you have now?
In the realm of 80…I have been giving them away and I still have tons….
What is your favorite thing about your current apartment?
The Fort…or the patio
What are you reading in the scriptures right now?
All over the place…mostly Mosiah
Please give three random facts about Elder Russell.
He likes Super Smash Brothers Brawl….He has a sister on a mission….and he has lived in Japan and Hawaii…
Well I hope that everyone has a great week this week and I love you all so much.
Elder Taylor
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