Monday, February 11, 2008

Viva Las Vegas....

Hello Everyone,
Well this has been a week that has been out the ordinary. We had our temple day on Wednesday and they were doing something new with that by making it also our p-day as well, so that made this past week go by very fast. One day to the next was like the blink of an eye, so that made it all the crazier when it was Saturday night and we were at transfer calls….Mom I know your probably dying to know where it is I will be going or will I be staying or what……well…….Drum Roll……if you can't guess by the title of my letter this week…………..I will be leaving Gardnerville. For Las Vegas. I will be in the Las Vegas 3rd and 7th wards and my new companion will be Elder Russell. So there’s the big news for the week. Oh, Elder Tubb is leaving as well and the area that I cover now will be left as an needed basis. So that should be interesting. Oh and in other news we found out about President Andrus this past week as well…..and sadly there is good news and bad news to go along with it. Thankfully we fasted for his health and that was a prayer that was heard they have found what was wrong and a cure for it….the bad news is that he can't have the treatments and be our mission president. So we will be getting a new one some time very soon. We know his name and where he is from just not when he will get here. His name is President McCracken, and he is also from Idaho Falls, so Grandma and Grandpa if you know anything about him or who he is, all the info you have would be greatly appreciated. We are sad to see President Andrus go but we know that it is for the best and his health. He leaves for Salt Lake again this week to be released so….I don’t know if I will see him when I get to Las Vegas on Wednesday.
So now that I have all the news out of the way, onto missionary moments from the week. We went out to Walker, California finally and taught an investigator in the Branch I will no longer cover….and let me tell you that town is so small I could stand in the center of town and throw a football over them mountains…yeah that small! 500 people live there and they all must live in like 15 homes all together because I don’t know where they get 500 people. The lesson went well and we had a good time. Then on Thursday we went out again just for dinner and we had day light so we took pictures and all that good stuff. So that was fun. Then on Monday we went tracting as it was not our normal P-day and we found this really nice lady, as fate would have it or the spirit of whomever, her house was the last one on the street and Tubb and I were freezing and just wanted to finish the street before we went and got warm. We ended up talking to her for a little while and then she said we could come back….we had a great return appointment with her on Friday and we have another for tomorrow just before transfers. So that will be pretty cool to see what happens with her.
Well, really, that's all I have. The big news was transfers and I will give you all more info next week when I know more about the area and my new companion. Know that I love all of you and keep you in my thoughts all the time and in my prayers even more…..have a great week and I will talk to you next week.
Love,Elder Taylor

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