Monday, February 4, 2008

Hey, I thought you all might like to know....

Man this week has just flown by so fast, almost too fast. Speaking of fast….thank you Mom and Dad for fasting for President Andrus. Sadly we won't know anything until tomorrow when he returns to Las Vegas from Salt Lake. But we all hope that his testing went well and he will be able to return to us full time. Speaking of him - I may as well talk about zone conference really quick. It was so weird having one without our mission president there. One of his counselors was there in his place and he did an okay job….not really able to hold a candle to President though. The trainings by the zone leaders were really good and entertaining which made up for an otherwise solemn event. But all in all it was a nice meeting and I can’t wait for President to come back to us.

After zone conference I was able to go and be part of a blessing, but this was an interesting one. It was for to two non-members, Greg and Carol Sherwood. They are really nice people. Greg had a tumor the size of his fist in his brain…..”yes it is a Tuma”…anyway….he was going up to Reno last Friday to have it removed and knew some members and he knew about blessings so he wanted one…and his wife wanted one for comfort. Well, we went with our branch president and it was such a cool experience. The spirit was really strong and after we were all done I asked if it was okay if we could come back and teach them once Greg gets back to normal….they were so excited to have us come back it was almost refreshing to see that there are still people interested in learning about the truth. It was really cool and I can't wait to go back. The only problem is they ended up not living in our area…but we are still going to go by and talk to them and see how Greg is doing.

As for other missionary work that was done this week, we had all the missionaries in our zone, all 12, come down to G-ville and we “flooded the area.” Fancy words for "had lots of missionaries in one small town." It was fun and we found a few new investigators. Some didn’t pan out but we have an appointment with one this afternoon. Oh, and Mom as you mentioned the stormy weather, we have basically been contacting in the snow and sleet the last couple of days….I didn’t think it was going to be that fun….but it really has been fun to try and talk to people. Most just listen out of pity but hey - someone might accept the gospel sooner or later. So that is pretty cool.

We did get a chance to go and watch the funeral for President Hinckley on Saturday and it was a very surreal experience to see the funeral of the only Prophet I’ve ever really known. It was a great service and I was so glad we got to watch it….and with yesterday being fast and testimony meeting everyone took the chance to talk about President Hinckley.

Well I love you guys so much. I hope that you all have a great week. Oh and Dad - Happy Birthday! Your card is already in the mail you should get it today or tomorrow….or someday before your birthday. I hope you have great weeks….we get to go to the temple on Wednesday and then transfer calls are on Saturday night so I will let you all in on the scoop next week….Love YA!

Elder Taylor

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