Wednesday, March 7, 2007

This week's letters...

We got three letters from Elder Taylor on Monday, giving a few details of his life in the MTC. The highlights from the letters:

- While he's not a fan of the breakfasts, he really likes lunch.
- His companion, Elder Thompson, sounds exactly like Ben Stein. Once Geoff sends home his camera card, we'll post pictures to see if he looks like Ben Stein, too.
- They study...a lot. And then they have personal study time. And then they study some more.
- He wants us to mail him Mountain Dew.
- His testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ has grown "100 times more" than it was before he left.

If you're counting - he's now spent two whole weeks in the MTC, and is scheduled to fly to Las Vegas on Monday, March 12. So crazy.

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