Sunday, March 18, 2007

Can I get a What?...wait...WHAT?

I feel like during this whole week we've just been flipping through our living "Where's Waldo" book, and we can't figure out where our Waldo has ended up! We finally got a letter today - from the Mission President. It was a form letter, which is understandable as there are plenty of missionaries and I'm assuming the President and his wife aren't sitting around waiting for things to do...

But the letter only told us that his trainer is Elder Filter (uh-huh) and that he's in the Fallon Zone in Winnemucca, Nevada. But we knew that on Thursday when, while stalking Geoff via his bank account, we saw that he'd made a purchase at the Winnemucca Wal-Mart. And if you think that saying Winnemucca ever gets old - you're WRONG. Also, if you think that stalking Geoff will get old - you're even WRONGER. The President also let us know that they'd had interviews and a nice dinner - and a 6:30 a.m. session at the Las Vegas Temple the next day. That is one EARLY day. Reading that sentence of the letter made my eyes hurt just thinking about what it would take to be at the Temple for a 6:30 a.m. session. WOW.

Included in the letter from President Andrus was Geoff's testimony written out as well as a short, very energetic, very detail-free letter. I'm pretty sure the good folks at the MTC stuffed his pockets with Pixie Sticks, Fun Dip, and sugar cubes and then put them on a plane for Vegas. That must have been an awesome flight. We're not sure when the next preparation day (p-day) will be, but I'm hoping it's Monday...and that he can send us an e-mail...because SERIOUSLY...I need some details here.

FINAL NOTE: I will also just say this: My father, Mark Taylor is one of the most decent, respectful men in the world. He waited almost 30 minutes with the letter from Geoff and didn't open it, waiting for Mom and me to get home. I can assure you now that the same courtesy would not have been extended if my Mother or I had gotten the letter first. Mark rules.


Darin & Leisa said...

The Wal-Mart in Winnemucca... almost sounds like a Lifetime Movie. Mark does rule for many various reasons: Besides being a snappy dresser and a patient letter opener, he's just plain cool. And the two chicks who live with him ain't half bad either.

Unknown said...

I can't decide if Mark was being patient or after all this time of living with you girls if he KNEW the hassle he would get from you two would be worse than the wait. YES Chanel Marie you KNOW what I am talking about.
You talk about a tough audience. Winnemucca! It just probably couldn't get much tougher..well maybe Lancaster County PA... that would be a tough audience too. Double wide Mobile Homes... reminds me of Everman Texas!