Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth of July.....under the lights????

Hello Again,
I hope that everyone had a great week and an even better holiday weekend! I know that I had a great time this 4th of July. We had a great day. We went to a ward breakfast. There they honored the veterans in the ward and let them tell some of their background. It was really cool to see all the people in the ward that had served their country. Then following the breakfast they had two flags that needed to be retired. That was a really cool thing to watch, too. The breakfast was a huge success with lots of people there and overall it was a really good time. Then after that we went to visit a few investigators. That was alright….but the best part of the day was we went to a BBQ held by a senior couple serving in our mission, the Hicks. They are serving in our stake and actually live in our ward. They are "live at home" missionaries, which means they live in their house, but now they do missionary work full time instead of going to work or something else. They still are pretty normal and stuff, but they are just like us….set apart to serve the Lord. Anyway, they hosted an amazing little missionary pot-luck-dinner-party-thing. Well, we went and had a great time! There were a lot of people there: some investigators and less-active members as well as missionaries. We had such a great time. We played volleyball. Oh man, I don’t think I have had that much fun playing volleyball before in my life! Eventually it got to the point where it was just us missionaries there so we decided to play a game of volleyball with the teams being Senior comps VS Junior comps. The Juniors ended up winning the series but we won one of the 3 games. The best part of the whole thing was that the Hicks have big flood lights on top of the house so that we could play in the dark! So volleyball under the lights is a lot of fun. Even if you do lose.

Man, what else happened this week? We had a great appointment with one of our investigators this past week. We taught Chemise the stop smoking workshop. For those who have no idea what that is….it is a 15 step program proven to help people to stop smoking in a week. So we taught her on Thursday and so by this Thursday she should be smoke free….assuming she follows all 15 steps……that is the key to the whole thing. You have to keep all 15 steps for a week and then your good to go. So we hope that when we go by there she will be doing well. We met with her the other day but she didn’t come to church yesterday. So we hope she is doing well. We also had interviews with President McCracken this week and that was good as always. Grandma and Grandpa: he says "Hello!" and every time I see him he asks me how both of you are doing….and tells me to say hello to you….so….Hello! We also had a great conversation on coming up with ideas that are more "out of the box" to find new people to teach. So it was a really good interview. I also thought about the Dyches this week, too….taking over back home. I hope that when I get home that I will be able to maybe go and see them. They really are a nice couple.

Well, I can’t really think of anything else to write this week…cool stuff did happen but sometimes my mind goes blank. Thanks for the great letters this week. I hope that you all have a great week this week. I love you all and pray for you all the time.

Elder Geoff Taylor

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