Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Once Upon A Time......20 Miles Is a LONG Way to Walk.......

Hey There Family,

I hope that your week has been just as exciting as mine has; I guess it sounds like a lot of fun was had with the Return of Bobby Peru. Well, I'm glad to hear that the Boland's made it home safe and sound and that Elder…I mean Bob could eat the precious things I eat at least once a week….not really….well kind of. I know Chanel will love this next part…..as yesterday was fast Sunday, we fasted….as usual….so we went to break our fast at a members for dinner and they made us breakfast for dinner….upon my request…as we never get stuff like that…..All you members out there: We love normal food at a normal house….we may be the Lord's servants, but it doesn't mean we need fancy meals all the time…simple stuff is always the best….anyway….they made Pancakes….the size of my Head! Really! I ate two and was stuffed so full I didn't know whether to roll out of my chair or fall, out or just not move. It was so good though….anyway not too sure where this paragraph is going…so I will stop now.
So anyway…like I was saying, this week was interesting-to say the least….on Wednesday we walked around our area. We walked about 20 miles and maybe walked half of it…I couldn't suck up my pride and get on my bike again…I hadn't done it for nine months I wanted to hold out for the car….but that isn't happening any time soon…so I'm now back on my bike…walking around 20 miles takes too long and makes my feet hurt. So that was a fun day to remember….to never do again!
Thursday was awesome! First we had President's interviews in the morning….first one with President McCracken…or Kevin as I've heard some people call him…to me though, he is President. It went really well, though, he had us fill out a questionnaire to start off so he could get to know us. Then we just talked about everything with me and my companion…It was an awesome interview…he made me feel really at home and I loved it….then I talked with Sister McCracken and we talked all about Idaho Falls….it is weird to talk with people that know who I'm talking about….we talked about Tex….good ol' Tex….he loves his fishing….we talked just about people and it was fun….they love Grandma and Grandpa's music and asked me if I had a CD of them….so if you guys have one send it out to me. Then after the interview they had an hour until the next people came so they took us out to lunch….the 4 Elders that live in our apartment…..it was so cool to sit down even longer and get to know and chat with him…so that was a lot of fun.
Well, the rest of this week is really busy… we have Zone Conference on Wednesday and that should be fun. Then that night we are having a Baptism and that should be pretty cool….it is going to be the ward's mutual activity for the week because the person getting baptized is in young women so it should be pretty fun, and I think it is so cool that the ward all wants to be a part of her baptism.

I guess I will end this week the way I used to end….mostly upon request, but I guess I just got out of the habit…..this week has been an eye opening one…..being out a year, realizing all that I have done and all I have yet to do….I am so glad we are given two years for this because one just isn't enough…I love people that I'm working with….I love my Savior…..and if I could give one piece of advice to the whole church….that would be read Preach My Gospel….it is awesome….I love all of you so much have a great week.
Elder Taylor

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