Monday, April 30, 2007

Leter from April 30, 2007

Subject: Hey there folks...I'm melting in the heat

Hey there everybody,

Well here we are again, another Monday. Things here haven’t been crazy, well at least not like last week. We have been working hard and playing even harder. We just finished bowling and I was right at 150 all 3 games, yeah I know I’m good. Anyway sounds like everything around home has slowed down for a while as well. That’s good though, everyone needs some rest. I glad that my post last week was enjoyed by all, because the other guys in my district loved it too.

I don’t really have anything that happened this week like last week, but still some good stuff anyway. On Saturday we went too a High Priest dinner which was so good. Prime Rib, yeah the High Priests know how to roll. Oh and the rolls were really good too, but they didn’t have any butter on them, if you know what I mean…Mom. Anyway this one guy sang for the entertainment and he did such a good job. We couldn’t stay the whole time because we had an appointment. Still he sounded really good.

Then on Sunday we had our first investigator come to church. The night before we ding-dong-ditched our investigators with treats, so it worked and someone came. It was very different, you don’t really pay much attention to church itself, you just make sure they don’t feel weird and other things. This lady, her name is Megan, has a 4 year old son and he came too. Was I that full of “life” when I was that age? If so, I’m sorry. Anyway it still was really nice to have her come to church.

Then last night, still being Sunday, Elder Filter and I gave a fireside to the youth on missionary work with their friends at school. It went very well and all the youth said they had a good time. Even the leaders thought it went well. Also one of our recent converts got the Priesthood this past Sunday and another the week before. So lets just say Sunday was CRAZY!!!!

As I look back at this week we really had a slow week until this weekend. We had some really good appointments. One was with this man whose name is Freddy. He is an African-American from Georgia and he and Elder Filter hit it off really well, with the both of them being from the south, and from then on the Spirit kept working on him and allowing us to teach the things he needed to hear. I know he felt the Spirit and it was so cool to feel the Spirit guide us to say the right things at the right time. Then we had an appointment with a less-active family and that turned in to lunch. We had a bar-b-que. It was nice and then we were off to the prime rib dinner. I will have you all know that I have gained almost 20 pounds since I left home, so if that isn’t a testimony of how much we eat, I don’t know what is. Also the record for most meals in a day so far for me is 7. Yeah that's right: 1 breakfast, 3 lunches, and 1 dinner and 2 desserts. So yeah, we do get fed.

As for tonight, I don’t think I can write how excited I am about tonight. We have an investigator who smokes, so he will get to drink a milkshake. Now a lot of you are probably like what the heck does that have to do with anything. Well I will tell you, He gets to drink a Cigarette Milkshake, doesn’t sound so good now does it???? What you do is take 2 packs of cigarettes and put 37 in a blender, then you top it off with milk and blend. Then you still have 3 cigs remaining. So the smoke them and throw up everywhere. Then they can't ever touch a cigarette ever again or they will get really sick. So we think it’s a good idea.

Don’t worry pictures and Video will come soon. I sent a package last week so I hope it gets there soon, if not already. I’m glad that all it well and good with the Malley babies. I am not so glad to hear about the yard. There is no green here and I miss it a lot, but life will keep moving on. Mom, I’m counting down the days to talk on Mother's day as well don’t worry, and I print out the letters you all send and read them often too. I'm not quite sure how long we will be able to talk. Elder Filter says as long as we want, but I don’t know for sure yet, we will find out more from the zone leaders this week. Well, I've got to get going but I love you all very much.

Elder Taylor

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What is with the cigarette milkshake? ewww Geoffrey... the patch... think of the patch!

Sorry for my ignorance..What is an investigator?